Friday, July 13, 2012

Swimming in the Danube Delta (7/9/2012)

On Monday, instead of digging, we all took a boat trip on the Danube (I know I originally said the Black Sea, but turns out the Black sea trip is this weekend). We were split into two motor boats, and left the harbor around 11 a.m.

The quote of the trip was, "there's so much life on the Delta!" And it's definitely true. The Danube Delta is flourishing with vegetation, frogs, birds, fish and other wildlife. We would coast through these narrow passageways into large, open waters of the Delta where a thousand lily pads bloomed. I have never seen so many lily pads in my life!

After an hour of boating, we finally came to a nice swimming spot and docked. I was so excited to swim! The water was perfect temperature; warmer than I thought it would be. And the bottom of the Delta is solid MUD. In an attempt to walk out of the water onto the shore, I was knee-deep stuck in mud to the point where someone had to yank me out.

Afterward, we ate a traditional Romanian meal of sausage (a large ate of vegetables for me), mustard, bread and beer.

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